Monday, 17 June 2013

Maurice Hunt

As part of the Centennial there is a proposal to erect a memorial for those who served in the wars especially our only local fallen serviceman Maurice Hunt.

Although many ex-pupils of the Mikimiki School served in the Services both overseas and in New Zealand in World War II the only one who left from the Mt Bruce district and lost his life was Flying Officer Maurice Hunt, third son of Mr & Mrs R Hunt. Maurice recieved his primary education at the Mikimiki School and was a most popular lad, being very bright and musical. 

After receiving some training at New Zealand air station Maurice left for Canada in January 1943, and had further training there. Soon after his arrival in England he gained his commission (November 1943). He was pilot of a Lancaster bomber and it was on his 27th flight over Germany that his plane was shot down and he lost is life on March 18, 1945.

The above excerpt is from the Mikimiki School Golden Jubilee Booklet (1947).

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Mt Bruce Hall

On 10th July 1914 a meeting of settlers was called and a committee formed to proceed with the building of a hall. The site was donated by Mr H. Campbell after the committee investigated several other offers and the building was commenced by Welch Bros. finance being raised by subscription.
The hall was completed in three months at a total cost of
212. and the first dance was held on 11th September, 1914.

From the "80 Years Anniversary" attendance ticket.