Tuesday 10 June 2014

80 Years Anniversary - 6th August 1994

Here is a collection of the age group photos taken at the hall during the 80 year anniversary in 1994.

70 years up
Leo Duckett, Murray Daniell, Stuart McLaghlan, Bernie Williams,
Murray Keats, Rata Campbell, Gretta Campbell,
Harold Duckett, Helen Tankersley, Dorothy Campbell, Lil Christensen.
60 years up
Nan Tankersley, Laurie Keats, Dick Pressow, Bill Gray,
Marian Trass, Evelyn Duckett, Jean Keats, Peg Gray,
Lorna Brazier, Ngaire McLennon, Mrs Bernie Williams, Trevor Buick.

50 years up
Henry Christensen, David Weston, Alan Buick, Shirley Meyer (Trass),
Isabel Campbell, Neta Weston, Dawn Barlow (Buick),
Mary Buick, Robin Weston, Janet Campbell, Ian Campbell.

40 years up
Barry Colquoun, Ed Campbell, Mike Wyeth,
Marilyn Campbell, Caroline Colquoun, Val Scarr,
Dorothy Christensen, Ian McEwen, Di Wyeth.

20 & 30 years up
Hayden McGrail, Katrina McGillicuddy (Christensen), Gary Compton, Tim Campbell, Neil Potter,
Phil Brazier, Gill Potter, Lorraine Campbell,
Lyn Tankersley, Judith Brazier, Dianne Brazier, Karen Gregory (Campbell).

Up to 20 years
Philip Wyeth, Lynley Campbell holding Stephanie Campbell, Anna Christensen, Pip Campbell, Daniel Wyeth,
Angelene Colquoun, James McGrail, Adam Wyeth,
Sarah Colquhoun, Riki Potter, David McGrail, Campbell Potter, Daniel Gregory (on Karen's legs),
Brendon Campbell, Kelsey Scarr, Kirianne Potter.

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